3D printing can be stressful - let's find out if The Spaghetti Detective can let you sleep a bit easier!
Get 30% OFF your first bag of coffee with Trade Coffee when you click here cen.yt/tradetoms3d3
The Spaghetti Detective is at www.thespaghettidetective.com/
Raspberry Pi Setup:
Raspberry Pi 4 go.toms3d.org/RPi4
32GB microSD card geni.us/32GBSD
USB cable geni.us/decentUSBcables
Power supply geni.us/decentUSBsupply
Webcam geni.us/webcam
Product links are affiliate links - I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you)
Read the article to this video here: toms3d.org/2020/12/14/the-spaghetti-detective-ai/
🎥 All my video gear toms3d.org/my-gear
I use Epidemic Sound, sign up for a 30-day free trial here share.epidemicsound.com/MadeWithLayers
🎧 Check out the Meltzone Podcast (with CNC Kitchen)! / @themeltzone
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