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5 Steps to Get a Nicer Butt

A step by step plan to transform a flat pancake butt to round, firm, and muscular glutes. Learn how to build bigger stronger glutes and how to transform your gluteus maximus with the best exercises and diet strategy.
🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred: bit.ly/2Bv8CL4

📲 FREE Diet/Workout Planner Tool: bit.ly/2N41lTX

There exists an ideal waist to hip ratio that makes you appear more fit, healthy, and attractive. Most men already know that having wider shoulders and a narrower waist makes you appear more masculine but very few men are aware that you want your waist to hip ratio to at least be under .95 to have optimal masculine proportions while simultaneously decreasing the chances of developing a number of chronic diseases. That's right having small glutes in combination with a large waist can be used as a major indicator that you're at a much higher risk for developing issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Obviously the size of your waist is mostly influenced by diet but the size and composition your glutes and hips are hugely influenced by your workout program, the exercises you're doing, and how your performing those exercises.

By applying the 5 steps im about to go over you can transform a saggy pancake butt to firm round glutes as fast as possible
First I see a lot of people spending too much time focusing on exercises that attempt to isolate the glutes like the kick back glute machine, cable hip extensions, and even hip thrusts. And even though some of these exercises can be used effectively they are nowhere near as effective as the basics, which primarily include squats and deadlifts. So step one is to include heavy squats and Romanian deadlifts in your workout routine. You don't have to do both in one session, but you should start each of your leg workouts with at least 3 to 4 heavy sets of one of these two exercises. Skipping over these more demanding exercises and replacing it with glute kick backs or cable hip extensions is not going to get you anywhere near he results that you can achieve by progressing at exercises like barbell squats and Romanian deadlifts. Now there are other very effective exercises for your glutes as well like Bulgarian split squats, walking lunges, and step ups, and you can and should include these exercises into your leg day after you've already put your best effort into 3 or 4 sets of heavy squats or deadlifts, but I still recommend that you start with and primarily focus on improving your squats and deadlifts if you want the fastest track to nicer glutes. And by the way if you're not exactly sure how to properly do these exercises stick with me because I'm going to show you exactly how to do these with perfect form a little later in the video

But first lets move on to step 2 which is to get stronger at these exercises overtime. This is critical and most regular gymgoers ignore this crucial step. They do squats either just use their body weight or they do the same weight load week after week and are surprised when they see little to no results. Just like other muscles your glutes will only grow if they are challenged enough to do so. One of the best and most accurate failproof ways to ensure that you're increasing the challenge and progressively overloading overtime is to constantly try to up the weight. This is something that I've talked about many times before in videos about other muscle groups, but the things that make any one muscle grow will typically apply across the board to other muscles groups in your body. One of the simplest ways to consistently increase weight load is to up the weight everytime you hit the upper end of your rep range.

I know this method may sound super simple, but I promise you it's extremely effective for getting stronger at almost any exercise. One of my favorite rep ranges to stay within especially at an exercise like squats where going to failure is dangerous, is 6 to 10 reps. So lets say you usually do squats with 135 pounds and you can complete 10 reps. You should try to up the weight by 5 pounds on each side and then the goal is to still shoot for the 10 reps. However, you may find that when you up the weight you can't complete all 10 reps and instead can only do 8 reps. That's totally fine, your new goal is now to use that heavier weight week after week until you can complete 10 reps on your first set. Once you can do that, rinse wash and repeat the process over and over again until your lifting significantly more weight than what you started with and I promise you this alone will dramatically improve your glutes. Sometimes you may have a week where you up the weight and you can still do 10 reps with that new heavier weight load because you've gotten that much stronger. That simply means you should up the weight again, until your no longer at the upper end of your rep range, and then work your way back to 10 reps over time. 

The next step is to make sure that you do this at least twice a week.
