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Are Expensive Eggs Overrated?

Today, Josh and Nicole are exploring the pros and cons of buying different types of grocery-store eggs from cage-free to pasture-raised and telling you if it's really worth it!

0:00 She Was A Bad Egg
1:59 Josh Deliberately Pays More For Eggs
3:02 What Makes A High Quality Egg?
4:17 Shoutout to Ethan Chlebowski
4:52 Are The Orange Yolks Better?
7:11 What Does Free Range Mean?
10:20 Do We Buy Organic?
17:35 Kenji López-Alt Egg Experiment
19:35 Looking Out For The Chickens
21:43 They're Pretty Much The Same
23:04 Lady Eggs
24:12 Concluding Thoughts
27:27 Yummy In My Tummy Got Some Trivia For You
30:57 Opinions Are Like Casseroles
31:38 Ramen Packets In The Gravy
32:50 Challah French Toast
34:22 Scrambled Eggs For Dinner
35:49 Eating Strawberries Whole

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In the spirit of minimizing food waste associated with the filming of this series, Mythical is donating to the Hollywood Food Coalition ( hofoco.org/ ) who provide daily, nourishing meals to underserved communities in the Los Angeles area.

Closed Captioning provided by Rev

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