బ్రెయిన్ ని చురుగ్గా పనిచేయించి జ్ఞాపకశక్తి ని పెంచే మేక తలకాయ కూర Goat Head Curry #goatheadrecipe.
Hi Guys 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 --------------❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
:-🙏my name is Mahesh Babu -----
:- ingredients.
Stove on pressure cooker.
Goat head
1/2" tbls ' turmeric powder.
1" tbls ' salt.
Mix well.
1" glass water.
Cook for 3" whistle .
Keep it a side.
:- Masala fried.
1" tbls ' coriander seeds.
1" inch cinnamon.
6" cloves.
5" cardamom.
1" small cup dry coconut.
Keep it a side.
:-Cooking methods.
Heat 25" grams of oil in a pan.
2" bay leaf in hot oil.
1" big size chopped onion.
4" chopped green chillies.
Mix well.
Add turmeric powder to taste.
2" tbls ' ginger garlic paste.
Mix well.
Saute for 2 -3" minutes.
1" chopped tomato.
Mix well.
Saute for 2" minutes.
Add the cooked goat head in curry.
Mix well.
Saute for 2 -3" minutes.
Add salt to taste.
3" tbls ' red chilli powder.
Mix well.
1" small tea glass water.
Mix well.
Cooked water.
Add 1" glass water.
Cook for 10" minutes.
:- grinding.
Fried masala seeds.
Grind into a fine powder.
Add the blended masala powder in curry.
Mix well.
Cook it for 2 " more minutes.
Add the coriander leaves.
Goat head curry is ready.
Our delicious family goat head curry is ready.
Happy family.
Happy family eating.
Tasty goat head curry.
Thanks for watching.
Please subscribe.
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Village Mahesh Cooking. Traditional, Village food. Country foods, Tasty Recipes for Children, Villagers, and poor people, SRI MALLIKA'S KITCHEN Channel Entertains with Cooking and Eating and Sharing foods.
The popular GOAT HEAD CURRY, non veg recipes I made is very simple Very tasty healthy and attractively prepared to impress everyone.
thank you!
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