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I Tested The MOST Viral Woodworking TikToks

I Tested MORE Woodworking TikToks! Including the captured screw trick, an oval rocking chair, and more!

Andrew Doxtater Oval Chair - bit.ly/JM_OvalChair
Tik Tok - bit.ly/JM_OvalTT

Want to see me test more crazy TikToks
I Tested More Viral Woodworking TikToks -    • I Tested More Viral Woodworking TikToks  

I Tested The Most Viral TikTok Tools!:    • I Tested The Most Viral TikTok Tools!  

I Tested Viral Woodworking TikToks:    • I Tested Viral Woodworking TikToks  

Testing Viral Woodworking TikToks Again...:    • Testing Viral Woodworking TikToks Aga...  

I Tested More Viral Woodworking TikToks!:    • I Tested More Viral Woodworking TikToks!  

I TESTED 'Turning A FREE Pallet Into A $600 Table' -    • I TESTED 'Turning A FREE Pallet Into ...  

MERCHANDISE - johnmalecki.com/
PLANS - johnmalecki.com/collections/d...
SAFETY GLASSES - amzn.to/2zhWvRl

Proudly Supported By:
Woodcraft - bit.ly/JM2022_Woodcraft
Timberland PRO - bit.ly/JM_TimberlandPRO
Oneida Air Systems - bit.ly/JM_Oneida
Lincoln Electric - bit.ly/JM_Lincoln
Total Boat Epoxy - SAVE 5% : www.totalboat.com/MALECKI5

My Top Tools and Product Affiliates
Woodworking Tools - kit.co/JohnMaleckiBuilds/woodworking
Metalworking Tools - kit.co/JohnMaleckiBuilds/metal-working-tools
Favorite Finishs - bit.ly/JM_Rubio2021
My Camera Gear - kit.co/JohnMaleckiBuilds/camera-gear

#Viral #TikTok #Trends
