Avoid cluster sprawl with a unique multi-tenant architecture and operate Kubernetes as a hyperscaler.
We're joined by Clastix's Technical Advisor, Dario Tranchitella, in an informative 45-minute demo:
Kubernetes inside of Kubernetes
Create a control plane inside of management cluster. Show CP created, KubeConfig, and then afterwards join metal server to the cluster. Use cluster API provider and point to Equinix packet and explain how to achieve that.
Blog post = Oops, We Forgot to Build a Managed Kubernetes Service!
00:00:00 - Introduction to Kamaji: A Solution for Bare Metal Servers
00:03:54 - Running Kubernetes on Bare Metal with Kamaji
00:07:54 - Mapping between control plane and data store
00:12:12 - The Role of Kamaji in Operating Clusters
00:16:28 - Deploying Containerized Control Planes
00:21:04 - Running the Control Plane
00:26:04 - Setting up the worker nodes
00:30:53 - Comparing Wasted Resources in Deployment
00:35:14 - Metal Servers and Cluster Deployments
00:39:36 - Wrapping Up the Live Stream
Show Notes:
➡️ Clastix = clastix.io/
➡️ Learn K8s = learnk8s.io/kubernetes-node-size
➡️ Github = github.com/clastix/cluster-api-control-plane-provi…