These are the top 2 exercises men should do to build bigger biceps. Getting bigger arms doesn't have to be complicated. If you're wondering why you're stuck or why you can't get bigger arms, you can follow the advice in this video to get back on track.
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Building nice-looking biceps is much easier than you think. You don't need complex workout routines and you don't need 99% of the machines and equipment that you see at the gym. In fact, you can just do the two exercises that I'm going to go over with you in this video and build bigger defined biceps very quickly so your arms can fill up your t-shirts in no time. In fact these exercises are responsible for almost all of my bicep growth and if it wasn't for me doing these two exercises it would take a lot longer or maybe I would never achieve the kind of gains that I did for my arms. The issue is people will waste their time getting overly creative and doing a bunch of auxiliary exercises for their arms when they could be just spending time putting in the Reps with the most effective exercises. Not only does this save you time but it gets you better results.
Before we jump into the exercises I want you to get a better understanding of how your biceps work so you can train them correctly. First of all, as the name implies the bi cep has two heads. These consist of a short head, which is on the inside of your arm, and a long head, which is on the outside of your arm. They originate from two separate attachment points that connect to the scapula and then they come together and attach to the radius bone in your forearm. And the reason why this is important is that even though they still are part of one muscle there are certain hand positions and exercises that target one head over the other more. And we're going to make sure we hit both of these heads with these two exercises
The first exercise is by far the best exercise to add mass and grow your biceps bigger than the barbell bicep curl. By taking a close grip with your hands about shoulder-width apart or a little closer you will target more of the long head but this exercise will still hit the short head as well. If I was to have to choose just one exercise for biceps the bicep barbell curl would be the one. That's because it allows you to use the strength in both biceps at the same time to lift one weightload. This helps you lift a heavier overall weight load than you would be able to use your arms independently like you would with dumbbells for example. Lifting more weight is one of the best ways to put mass on your biceps. As far as execution it's pretty simple you're going to grab the barbell with your hand's shoulder width apart then while keeping your elbows in one place you're going to curl the bar up and in towards your shoulders without resting at the top slowly lower the bar back down until your arms are fully extended and repeat for reps. When you're doing this make sure that your elbows aren't flaring out and make sure that they're not driving forward Instead try to keep them locked in one place this way you won't be using your shoulders for momentum. The same thing with your back maintain an upright neutral spine do not lean back like you're doing the limbo to get the weight up. With that said as important as form is you should also be working on increasing the weight load that you're lifting with this exercise over time as that is exactly what it takes to add Mass on your arms. If you're able to do sets for 9:00 or 10 reps that means you can probably up the weight and work on increasing your rep range with that heavier weight. Once you get to 9 or 10 just keep repeating this process of upping your weight then up in your ref range then upping your weight again then I'll finger ref range and in no time you'll be lifting a much heavier weight for barbell bicep curls which will add a lot of size to your arms and is truly one of the only exercises that you actually need 3 to 5 heavy sets will be more than enough and then you can add in our second exercise that helped explode my bicep results.
And that second exercise is the preacher curl. Now with the preacher curl, I would recommend that you use an easy bar only because it'll make your wrists more comfortable, however, it is fine to use a regular straight barbell for your preacher curls as well. Just like with the regular barbell curls you could take a narrow or a wide grip. If you're already taking a close grip with the upright barbell curls then take a wider grip with preacher curls to Target the short head of the bicep. And vice versa if you're taking a wider grip on barbell curls you can take a closer grip on preacher curls. You can alternate which one you take the wide versus the close grip each week or each workout as long as you're hitting both. The preacher curl is pretty straightforward you get your chest up close to the Machine and.