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NASA is the primary means through which US astronomy is funded, which in turn leads astronomy globally. But significant cuts to NASA this year are hurting programs across the board, and many worry that the future looks grim for NASA's astronomy programs due to two growing problems on its horizon. Join us as we explore what's happening and what you can do.
Written & presented by Prof. David Kipping. Special thanks to Grant Tremblay for useful information in preparing this video.
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THANK-YOU to D. Smith, M. Sloan, L. Sanborn, C. Bottaccini, D. Daughaday, A. Jones, S. Brownlee, N. Kildal, Z. Star, E. West, T. Zajonc, C. Wolfred, L. Skov, G. Benson, A. De Vaal, M. Elliott, B. Daniluk, S. Vystoropskyi, S. Lee, Z. Danielson, C. Fitzgerald, C. Souter, M. Gillette, T. Jeffcoat, J. Rockett, D. Murphree, M. Sanford, T. Donkin, K. Myers, A. Schoen, K. Dabrowski, J. Black, R. Ramezankhani, J. Armstrong, K. Weber, S. Marks, L. Robinson, S. Roulier, B. Smith, J. Cassese, J. Kruger, S. Way, P. Finch, S. Applegate, L. Watson, E. Zahnle, N. Gebben, J. Bergman, E. Dessoi, C. Macdonald, M. Hedlund, P. Kaup, C. Hays, W. Evans, D. Bansal, J. Curtin, J. Sturm, RAND Corp., M. Donovan, N. Corwin, M. Mangione, K. Howard, L. Deacon, G. Metts, R. Provost, B. Sigurjonsson, G. Fullwood, B. Walford, J. Boyd, N. De Haan, J. Gillmer, R. Williams, E. Garland, A. Leishman, A. Phan Le, R. Lovely, M. Spoto, A. Steele, K. Yarbrough, A. Cornejo, D. Compos, F. Demopoulos, G. Bylinsky, J. Werner, B. Pearson, S. Thayer, T. Edris, B. Seeley, F. Blood, M. O'Brien, P. Muzyka, D. Lee, J. Sargent, M. Czirr, F. Krotzer, I. Williams, J. Sattler, J. Smallbon, B. Reese, J. Yoder, O. Shabtay, X. Yao, S. Saverys, M. Pittelli, A. Nimmerjahn, C. Seay, D. Johnson, L. Cunningham, M. Morrow, M. Campbell, R. Strain, B. Devermont, Y. Muheim & A. Stark.
► NASA budget figures spreadsheet:
► Rasmussen, S. 2023, "Has the Last Great Space Observatory Already Launched?", Scientific American:…
► HST & Beyond Committee Report 1996:
► NASA IRB JWST Report 2018:…
► Reichhardt, T. 2006, "Is the next big thing too big?", Nature:
► Elvis, M. 2016, "What Can Space Resources do for Astronomy and Planetary Science?", Space Policy, 37, 65:
► Van Belle, G., 2021, "The Scaling Relationship Between Telescope Cost and Aperture Size for Very
Large Telescopes", Proceedings of the SPIE, 5489, 563:
Licensed by (SS) [],, via CC Attribution License ( or with permission from the artist.
0:00 Hill - A Slowly Lifting Fog
3:36 Hill - Unhurried
5:58 Chris Zabriskie - Music From Neptune Flux 4
8:29 Hill - World of Wonder
11:18 Falls - Life in Binary
15:27 Chris Zabriskie - Music From Neptune Flux 1
18;24 Joachim Heinrich - Y
20:42 Indive - Fusion
0:00 Astronomy Funding
5:58 Incogni
7:18 Crisis Ahead
20:42 Outro & Credits
#NASA #Astronomy #CoolWorlds