100 Days Study Challenge 2.0 Begins! 🚀
A new chapter, a fresh start! 📖💪 The next 100 days are all about discipline, consistency, and growth. Join me on this journey as we push limits, stay accountable, and make every study session count. Let’s stay focused and crush our goals together! 🔥📚
✨Support my channel & stay motivated! 💪🎯 Now you can send Super Chats, Super Thanks, and Super Stickers to help me keep creating productive study sessions for you! 🚀📚
Join me as I stream every day for another 100 days straight—staying consistent, focused, and motivated together. Let’s level up! 🚀📚
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) Examinations are near. So, let's grind together.
The idea is simple: We will do Study With Me Content for hours! With Rain and Fire Sounds recording later for a productive session. Whether you study, work, or want to be productive, this is the place for you!
You guys are my Study With Me Family ❤️, and we are here to support and motivate each other! Let's do this ✨💪
🔥 👨🏻💻About me:
▸Sanjiwan Kausik Baruah
▸ Preparing for Civil Services from Guwahati, Assam 🇮🇳
▸ PostGrad Microelectronics, Gauhati University.
📚 Study Technique:
• We will use the Pomodoro method 🍅🎵 with Fire Sounds to stay focused.
• Q&A and interactions in Breaks
👇Connect with me:
🌀Telegram: t.me/StudyWithMeLiveonYT
🌀Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/sanjiwan-baruah/
🌀📧 Mail: studywithmefor.success.2024@gmail.com
🌀Spotify: open.spotify.com/user/31o5z6oy3epdvqrw5bdccm2ezvem…
🌀Gaming Channel: / @helix_plays
🌀WordPress: sanjissite.wordpress.com/
8 am 10am Session 1
10:15am-12:15pm- Session 2
12:20pm-1:20pm- Session 3
3pm-5pm- Session 4
5:15 pm-7:15pm- Session 5
7:30pm-9pm- Session 6
9:30pm-11:00pm- Session 7
Chat Commands:
• !maal-Displays the amount of currency the user has.
• !top-Displays a list of Top users based on points.
• !tophours-Displays a list of Top users based on hours.
• !quote-Display random quote
• !gamble-Gamble points
• !start-To Start Session
• !Break-To break Session
👍 Support the Channel: Like and subscribe📌 to stay updated!
Comment your questions and suggestions. What are YOU preparing/studying for? Tell me in the comments! Let’s do this!💪💪
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