One & only community from hero xpulse in Hyderabad this group is now 4 hundred members plus still we have strong
& anybody wants to join in this community please comment below I will add in my group we will teach how to drive over xpulse in tracks or off-road anywhere & we have lots of people in the community to share our thoughts about bikes & our travels what ever …
It’s ok
Iam your vdwthbikes
: Vardhan Donakanty
Please check out my channel for more videos
I will give more off-road videos for beginners
Iam not a professional but I was doing good now
So let’s go to off-road & share the happiness to
Our friends and family members
5th anniversary celebrations vlog Xtribe riders Hyderabad
Team xclan #explore #adventure #motovlog #bikelife #bikeride #forest #gopro #travel #vlog #automobile