Hi, my friends!✨ Thanks for studying with me!❤️
Today's one-hour session during the afternoon.📚 We’re going to study without breaks.
I hope this study video helps you avoid using social media while you study. I suggest we concentrate on learning or working. Relax and feel comfortable of office ambient, sounds of fireplace.
This video will be a quiet and cozy study room atmosphere when you are studying at home. I hope it will help you to increase your motivation to study and be deeply focused. And I hope this helps you realize that I'm here studying with you! 💫
📝 I'm spending time today learning English language. I really enjoy the learning process, it's develops my mind and inspires me to make new discoveries in life!
📌 Where are you from? What did you study while working/studying with me? Write me in the comments!
🌟 You can support me and get an exclusive YouTube emoji set.
🔗 Link: youtube.com/channel/UCEV6sTdPeIYGArydcl2i9Qw/join
🌌 Study Night Mood • NIGHT STUDYING 🌙 Study With Me
📖 Study Pomodoro 50/10 • POMODORO 50/10 ⏰ Study With Me
🍃 Study Pomodoro 25/5 • POMODORO 25/5 ⏰ Study With Me
~ another STUDY VIBES ~
Fireplace 🪵 50/10 • 5-HR STUDY WITH ME /🪵 Fireplace, No m...
Rainy night 🌧️ • 4-HR STUDY WITH ME 🕯️ [pomodoro 50/10...
Only background noise 📚 • 2-HR STUDY WITH ME 🌙🕯️ Pomodoro 25/5,...
Laptop - MacBook Air M1, Apple
Mouse - Magic Mouse, Apple
Earphones - AirPods 2, Apple
Thermos - Starbucks
Cup - Starbucks
Some stationery what I use from Stationery Pal: stationerypal.com/?ref=tanistudy
🏷️ my code for 15% off your order: TANISTUDY
the PLAYLIST with "Stationery Haul" here: • Stationery haul 📦 Unboxing
If there's anything you're interested in from my desk, feel free to ask me in the comments! ☺️
💌 Instagram: @studytanii instagram.com/studytanii?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
📩 For business: businesstanistudy.channel@gmail.com
❤︎ subscriber count: 13,329
#realtimestudysession #studyathome #studywithme #realtimestudy #realtimestudywithme #planwithme #workwithme #1hour #1hourstudy #1hourstudywithme #1hr #deepfocus #concentrateonstudies