denji (chainsaw man) vs ash williams (evil dead) - rap battle! - ft. swizkii & snakebite126
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Swizkii as ash williams (evil dead)
Snakebite126 as denji (chainsaw man)
Writing by Freshy Kanal, Connor Quest & Jay Chay
Beat Production by Freshy Kanal, Sebb & InsaneBeatz
Additional Stems by GlitchDude
Art by CyanCoat
Editing by ProjectONEID
/ @arita4818
Intro by Rabi
Outro by Matthew Thomas
Thumbnail by CyanCoat
Matchup Idea by Shwaboodle the Noodle
freshy kanal is a youtube channel that makes rap battles with different characters like video game rap battles and of course epic rap battles of history themselves, yall are EPIC and yea what else do i do, cooking shows, behind the scenes of the rap battles and so on.
ashley joanna "ash" williams, ash williams is a fictional character and the protagonist of the evil dead franchise. created by sam raimi, he is portrayed by bruce campbell and is the only character to appear in each entry of the series, including a post-credits and audio cameo in the 2013 and 2023 soft reboot flims. throughout the series, ash faces off against "deadites", evil creatures possessed by the ancient evil of the kandarian demon. ash, since his debut, has been considered a cultural icon and an iconic horror hero. in 2008, ash was selected by empire magazine as the 24th greatest movie character of all time, and in 2013, was voted by empire as the greatest horror movie character ever.
denji chainsaw man is the protagonist of the manga series chainsaw man by tatsuki fujimoto. as a young boy, rap battle against ash williams he inherits his father's debt from the yakuza upon his father's death. after meeting the chainsaw devil pochita, he becomes a devil hunter in an attempt to clear his debt. the yakuza kill him, and pochita becomes his heart, setting a contract with denji, who is to live his dreams of a normal life. after this, he can transform into the devil-human hybrid known as chainsaw man by pulling a cord on his chest. as a public safety devil hunter, denji fights alongside the members of tokyo special division 4 in their battle to kill the gun devil, all the while pursuing his own personal interests.
denji is the main protagonist of the series first part, the public safety arc, and has a major supporting role in its second part. the character was largely praised by critics, many taking note of how his character's simple goals contrasted with other shōnen protagonists' lofty ideals. his backstory and the relationships denji forms with other characters, particularly pochita and power, had a positive reception. denji is voiced by kikunosuke toya in japanese and ryan colt levy in english.
#rapbattle #chainsawman #evildead
denji (chainsaw man) vs ash williams (evil dead) - rap battle! - ft. swizkii & snakebite126