"pen: paper :: blade : ice."
Performer & Choreographer Cameron Claire
Costume Designer Niko Cohen
Music: Stop the Music by Cosmo Sheldrake @CosmoSheldrake
Hosted by American Ice Theatre at Warrior Ice Arena in Boston on June 9, 2024
Learn more about the Contemporary Skating Festival at americanicetheatre.org/education/american-contempo…
Filmed by Jordan Cowan of On Ice Perspectives instagram.com/oniceperspectives
Jordan Cowan is a freelance camera operator and ice skating cinematographer, who produces and films videos with skaters from all levels and backgrounds to spread appreciation for figure skating and skating-related events around the world. On Ice Perspectives is made possible by your support. Learn how to become a patron at: patreon.com/oniceperspectives
Contact: oniceperspectives.com/contact
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