Welcome to Episode 24 of Bhagavad Gita: Mahabharata.
In this series I outline the epic of the Mahabharata. The events that happened before and after the Bhagavad Gita.
For those that have not watched my Bhagavad Gita series you can find it on • Video
For this series I have drawn inspiration from the works of
Sudipta Bhawmik and Avi Ziv in their series “Stories of the Mahabharata” shows.acast.com/thestoriesofmahabharata as well as the illustrated “Mahabharata” by Manoj Publications www.manojpublications.com.
Many images are from the visually stunning Mahabharat by StarPlus available on Youtube
Music by ShidenBeatsMusic from Pixabay
Chapter 24 – Fire God
The Fire God Agni in his blazing form began to consume the Khandava Forest. Due to his friendship with the Naga Takshaka who resided in the forest with his clan, Indra the King of the Gods had sworn to protect the forest.
Indra sent down showers of rain to put out the fire. But Agni was protected by Arjuna and Lord Krishna. Agni had also armed his protectors with celestial weapons. Arjun released thousand of arrows with his Gandiva bow which warded off the rain. Lord Krishna blocked off the forest so that Agni could complete his meal.
Furious, Lord Indra raised a violent storm with billowing clouds and howling gales. The storm rendered Arjun unconscious for a few moments. This allowed some creatures to escape. When Arjun recovered he aimed his arrows straight at Lord Indra. Indra retaliated with thunder and lightning.
Arjun invoked a mantra and released the vayava missile which dispelled the clouds. The sun shone through and Agni continued his blazing feast.
Further enraged Lord Indra increased the force of his attack by amassing a number of Gods and attacking the protectors of Agni directly. But they were no match for the combined power of Lord Krishna and Arjun. The Gods accompanying Indra scattered and Lord Indra pressed on with his attack alone.
Suddenly Indra heard a voice “Khandava Forest is fated to burn, Know Lord Krishna and the Prince Arjuna to be invincible. Turn back and return to your abode”. Indra withdrew and Lord Krishna and Arjun let out a triumphant roar.
As Agni continued his feast a mysterious figure ran out of the forest towards Arjuna. “Protect me, Dear Prince. Save me.” Arjun agreed and granted the asura asylum.
Agni completed his meal and the infested forest was reduced to ashes. Lord Indra returned and paid homage to Lord Krishna and Arjuna. He was impressed with Arjuna’s great skill and offered him a wish for anything he desired. Arjuna asked Indra for various celestial weapons. “When Lord Shiva’s grace falls upon you, I shall give you all my weapons” replied Indra.
Then the asura who was rescued by Arjuna spoke out “I am Mayasura, the architect of the Asura’s”. I also wish to serve you in some way.” “Grant your wish to Lord Krishna” replied Arjuna.
“What is your wish My Lord” asked Mayasura. Lord Krishna smiled and replied “Build a hall for Yudhishthir and let it be one that all men marvel at”