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Thank you for tuning in to todays video! Jlew and Hoodie Qel host Next Chapter and MJM Hoopers in Heated KOTC!
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Personal IGs:
Hoodie Qel: www.instagram.com/mjm.hoodieqel/?hl=en
99 Jase: www.instagram.com/mjm.99jase/?hl=en
Kool Boi Q: www.instagram.com/mjm.koolboiq/
MJM Cashtro: www.instagram.com/mjm.cashtro/
MJM Tyler: www.instagram.com/mjm.tyreiff/?hl=en
#jlew #Basketball #5v5 #Friga #NickBriz #CamWilder #crswht #ballislife #nba #2v2 #1v1 #nasircore #hezigod #leakyroof #nycbasketball #nyc #friga #halloween #joker #jason #friday13 #horrorstories #deebones ballislife king of the court dee bones ty glover white Iverson house of highlights 3v3 slim reaper dev in the lab 1v1 thecage hezi god 1v1 vs Nasir core nas uncle skoob 1v1 flew dfriga kgainer next chapter kam Fomby