How I grow mine, from seed sowing to seed saving 👇🏼
I think the sweet pea arch was one of the highlights of last year. I’m obsessed!
I sow the bulk of my seeds in October and November. Personally I don’t sow in Spring as I find Autumn sown ones are miles more successful!
I grow them on in deepish pots (in the greenhouse) and once they’re a few inches tall, I pinch out the growing tip to help them branch out (which encourages more blooms). You don’t have to pinch, they’ll still grow fine and may even branch themselves! ☺️
I then plant 6 either side of the arch, when it’s warmer outside (around mid April works for me in Yorkshire). I zigzagged fairy lights up my arch and simply bend the sweet peas in as they grew for support. I also grow them up bamboo canes and string, wooden trellises and this year I’m even tying them into the greenhouse panels ha!
With sweet peas the more you cut, the more you grow! Last year I had so many bouquets of sweet peas, I couldn’t give them away fast enough! Depending on the variety, they make the house smell incredible 😍
I feed every few weeks (basically whenever I have time) with either tomato or multi purpose feed. Remember to cut the tendrils that form as they will grab onto nearby sweet pea blooms and distort them!
When they’re starting to slow down, around September time, I allow some to develop seed pods. I let them dry out and then harvest the seeds for sowing next year! ☺️
Are you growing sweet peas this year? 🌸
Welcome to Diary of a Yorkshire Gardener, I’m Francesca and I would love for you to follow my allotment and backyard gardening journey by SUBSCRIBING to my channel! 🥰
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Happy Growing!
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