RCM Music is a dream of all Bhojpuri singer.
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/ @rcmhitbhojpuri
Title: Rahi Baithal Kera Ke Tham Pa
Singer: Awadhesh Premi Yadav
Lable: RCM Music
Lyrics: Writer Tharu
Music: RCM Music
Editor: Raunak Rashiq
Coriographer: Sahil Bhai
Video Director : Niraj Singh
Trade Enquiry : RAKESH KUMAR
Mo No :- Mo No :- 011-22487006, 011-22482417, 9868030179, 9354427656 {Whataap}
copyright : RCM Music
[ HD] [HQ] One of the best Songs of Bhojpuri
Must see , share to others and subscribes the channel "RCM Music " for regular updates of best videos.this is very popular song in Bihar listener in all over world in this song.
/ @rcmhitbhojpuri
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