NOTE: YouTube wouldn't allow the video to be uploaded with the clips from Endgame. The full video can be seen here:
0:21 1942 (Red Skull finds it)
1:44 1945 (Red Skull holds it/Howard Stark finds it)
3:26 1970 (Camp Lehigh - Alternate timeline)
4:14 1995 (Lawson's laboratory)
5:41 2011 (Fury shows it to Selvig)
6:50 2012 (Loki steals it)
7:52 2012 (Pierce asks for it - Alternate timeline)
8:45 2012 (Thor takes it back to Asgard)
9:26 2018 (Loki sees it in Odin's vault)
9:42 2018 (Loki gives it to Thanos/Thanos snaps)
10:36 2023 (Iron Man snaps)
I only included clips where the actual Tesseract/Space Stone appeared, so Thor's vision in AOU and the hologram in GOTG are absent.