MIT Introduction to Deep Learning 6.S191: Lecture 1
Foundations of Deep Learning
Lecturer: Alexander Amini
January 2018
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Deep Learning: • MIT 6.S191 (2018): Introduction to De...
Lecture 2 - Deep Sequence Modeling: • MIT 6.S191 (2018): Sequence Modeling ...
Lecture 3 - Deep Computer Vision: • MIT 6.S191 (2018): Convolutional Neur...
Lecture 4 - Deep Generative Models: • MIT 6.S191 (2018): Deep Generative Mo...
Lecture 5 - Deep Reinforcement Learning: • MIT 6.S191 (2018): Deep Reinforcement...
Lecture 6 - Limitations and New Frontiers: • MIT 6.S191 (2018): Deep Learning Limi...
Lecture 7 - Issues in Image Classification (Google Guest): • MIT 6.S191 (2018): Issues in Image Cl...
Lecture 8 - Faster ML Development with Tensorflow (Google Guest): • MIT 6.S191 (2018): Faster ML Developm...
Lecture 9 - Deep Learning, A Personal Perspective (NVIDIA Guest): • MIT 6.S191 (2018): Deep Learning - A ...
Lecture 10 - Beyond Deep Learning (IBM Guest): • MIT 6.S191 (2018): Beyond Deep Learni...
Lecture 11 - Computer Vision Meets Social Networks (Tencent Guest): • MIT 6.S191 (2018): Computer Vision Me...
For lectures, slides and lab materials: