Through the eyes of teens: discover five negative impacts of social media…
Teenagers are on social media a lot. Is this harmful or just harmless fun? Learn how social media taking an emotional toll on this age group, at a key time in their social development.
In this edition of Minute For Mental Health, Cindy Coughlin, LCMHC of Catholic Charities NH's Mental Health Counseling Services, digs deeper into social media's effects on social development.
See more tips on our mental health and wellness playlist: • Tips for your Mental Health & Wellness
Minute For Mental Health presents topical ideas and tips to face today's mental health, emotional and spiritual challenges, featuring counselors from Catholic Charities NH's Mental Health Counseling Services team. If you or someone you know are facing challenges and would like to speak with one or our counselors, please contact us at (603) 669-3030 or visit our website….