Join the 2024 Summer Reading Program with a friend, with your family or on your own for a summer filled with reading challenges and crazy fun activities for all ages.
Beginning June 1, pick up a game board at any library branch or the Mobile Library, or log on to and follow the links to register for the reading program that fits you. Start logging reading minutes and complete the activities to earn great prizes.
Reap the rewards of summer reading:
Expand your reading skills while they earn great prizes.
Game boards help motivate you to keep reading.
Kids benefit from being read to, even before they can read on their own. It builds pre-reading and comprehension skills. Listening to others read to them also counts toward their reading time.
Prizes! Tiny Tots, Preschoolers, Kids and Teens can earn a Fresh Start Fine Waiver Card upon completing your first activity – as soon as June 1. Free book and Summer Youth Passport can be picked up beginning June 12 through August 5 at any library branch or the Mobile Library.
Keep reading! Earn Star Reader entries in the end-of-summer drawings. Prizes include book bags, coupons for free books, gift cards and more!
Be amazed by magicians, musicians and mad scientists at the programs planned for you. Find the schedule at beginning May 15, or pick up a copy of the Summer Bookends when it arrives.