Today we continue to explore how to paint photorealistic details in our acrylic paintings foreground. This is a real time art lesson and Part 4 in our big painting series.
If you would like some assistance with the drawing process I have the traceable and the reference photos up over on Patreon along with part 2 where make some changes and re-do how our large rocks are painted. You can find all of them here:
For Part 1 where we paint the sky: • Realistic Clouds in the Sky - A Real...
For Part 2 where we paint distant mountains and rocks • Painting Realistic Distant Mountains ...
For Part 3 where we paint water and the midground • Calm Water and Grassy Shores – A Real...
Acrylic Paints:
Cobalt Blue (Liquitex Basics)
Cadmium Red Deep Hue (Liquitex Basics)
Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue (Liquitex Basics)
Burnt Umber (Liquitex Basics)
Sap Green (Winsor and Newton)
Mars Black (Liquitex Basics)
Titanium White (Liquitex Basics)
2 inch flat brush
1 inch flat headed brush (Artists Loft)
1/4 inch round headed brush (Artists Loft)
1/8th inch round headed brush (Artists Loft)
Canvas: 24X36
Other: Reeves Clear Plastic Palette, Large A small painting cloth A small water dish Water... um, tap reference photos/traceable/ruler
My eBooks on acrylic painting:…
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