Photographer Jimmy Nelson has traveled the world with his camera, visiting some of its most remote and ancient cultures. The resulting images—found in his new book HOMAGE TO HUMANITY—demonstrate the unique beauty of all the varieties of human life for the viewers and the subjects alike. It is the story he wants to tell and share with the world.
HOMAGE TO HUMANITY is not only an oversized book of 525 pages but a completely immersive experience. Prepare to be transported all over the world with Jimmy Nelson as he fulfills his lifelong dream of creating awareness about the world’s diversity by photographing its indigenous peoples. This unique, all-immersive experience goes beyond the book with a free app that allows readers to scan all 600 images in the book, unlocking behind-the-scenes videos and a complete 3-dimensional virtual reality experience. HOMAGE TO HUMANITY comes packaged with a free pair of cardboard VR goggles that open up a virtual world where you can travel with Jimmy as he photographs the people and rituals he was invited to witness, all while seeing and hearing the sounds of peoples celebrating their untainted earth.
In this video, just one of the many that can be scanned from the book, Jimmy turns his camera towards the indigenous people of China.