There seem to be a lot of misconceptions and uninformed viewpoints surrounding "fairness" in video games. Mostly when discussing wether or not challenging games are fair. So I made a video discussing the topic since its a really interesting thing to disect that has a lot of moving parts.
Video Essays: • Video Essays
The Problem With Sequels - Gaming's Sewage Pipe: • The Problem With Sequels - Gaming's S...
Intro 0:00
Consistency 0:20
Telegraphing 2:56
Learning 5:41
Conclusion 7:28
Music Used in this video:
Specialist (Persona 4)
Iwatodai Dorm (Persona 3)
Pedestrians Crossing (Skull Girls)
Mansion Basement (Resident Evil Directors Cut)
Road Less Taken Instrumental (Persona Q2)
School Days Instrumental (Persona 1)
Traumerei (Persona 4)
Kasugayama High School (Persona 2 Innocent Sin PSP)
Notable Videos Used in this Video:
Nameless King, Sif, Artorias, Ornstien and Smough, Furi Jailer, Butterfly of Delirium, Gaping Dragon, Guardian Ape, Long arm centipede (Boss Fight Database)
-Sekiro True Monk (Ongbal)
#darksouls #eldenring #oceatwo #videoessay #videogames