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Starship Flight Test 7 Info Revealed, and Fun New Design Change Coming!?

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Each week here we attempt to pull apart the mysteries around Starship development and the rest of the incredible steps being taken as we watch the space race kicking into higher gears. This week, certainly no exception. We have great Starship Flight Test 7 Info Revealed, and Fun New Design Changes Coming based I suspect on a new component that rolled in (presumably for a huge booster header tank). If it is there to remove issues with propellant slosh on hot staging and the boost back burn, will it work? Sure looks like it will. SpaceX also not only broke a new record, but obliterated it, all while these other incredible scenes from Rocket Lab with a double launch, and Neutron updates. On top of all that, SpaceX have been granted the contract to launch the Dragonfly mission on Falcon Heavy! Wow!

😍 Stardesk - Mini venting Starship/Falcon 9/SLS

Interstellar Gateway - Starship 31 Debris Return! Project Fallen Star 1
   • Starship 31 Debris Return! Project Fa...  

👕Pick up the new Flight 5 patch Merch!
or if you prefer it with that historical date included

🎁 Marcus House Merch - marcus-house.myspreadshop.com/

You can support me on:
Patreon - www.patreon.com/MarcusHouse
Join my Discord - discord.gg/dAMmbqj
Follow/Subscribe on Twitter - twitter.com/MarcusHouse

The production crew:
GameplayReviewUK, TiagoCruz, Mr Pleasant, Virtu, Orbitly, Shaun Gisler, Nicolas Arroyo

Support from the below is always massively appreciated:
📷 NASASpaceFlight -    / @nasaspaceflight  
📷 RGVAerialPhotography -    / @rgvaerialphotography  
📷 Greg Scott - twitter.com/GregScott_photo
📷 Starship Gazer - twitter.com/StarshipGazer
📷 Cosmic Perspective -    / @cosmicperspective  
📷 LabPadre -    / @labpadre  
📷 The Interstellar Gateway -    / @interstellargateway  

Set models:
😍 Mini venting Starship/SLS - stardesk.peachs.co/a/marcus-house
😍 Starship, & Crew Dragon by - morethan3d.com/
😍 Moon/Mars Mova Globes - www.movaglobes.com/
😍 Saturn V - LEGO - www.lego.com/en-au/product/lego-nasa-apollo-saturn…
😍 Space Shuttle - LEGO - www.lego.com/en-au/product/nasa-space-shuttle-disc…

3D artist magicians:
✨ Tony Bela - twitter.com/InfographicTony
✨ Ryan Hansen Space - twitter.com/RyanHansenSpace
✨ Erc X - twitter.com/ErcXspace
✨ Corey - twitter.com/C_Bass3d
✨ Alex Svan - twitter.com/AlexSvanArt
✨ DeepSpaceCourier - twitter.com/ds_courier
✨ SpaceXvision - twitter.com/SpacexVision
✨ Stanley Creative - twitter.com/Caspar_Stanley
✨ TijnM_3DAnimations - twitter.com/m_tijn
✨ Christian Debney - twitter.com/ChristianDebney
✨ Evan Karen -    / @evankaren  
✨ 3D Daniel - twitter.com/3DDaniel1
