Need to finish revision? Study together with me for 3 hours with this vid! I will be using the 50-10 method in this video to help us pace ourselves out and not burn out. We will study for 50 minutes, rest for 10 minutes, then repeat till time is up!
The video begins with rain, but it slows to a drizzle and stops somewhere after the 1-hour mark. You might hear the sound of typing on a keyboard and the flipping of pages as well.
Let me know if you liked the video, and if you guys have any requests too! I might not be able to get to them all at once but I'll write them down and go through them eventually hehe. I really appreciate you guys and sometimes when I'm having a tough day, your comments make me chuckle! :D
With lots of love,
1) How do I use "study with me"s?
Treat it as if you're skyping a friend to study! You can position your windows so that you can see the timer, or just leave this video running in one of the tabs on your browser (you'll hear typing sounds from me from time to time). It's up to you! :)
2) What major are you in?
I'm doing a bachelors in business management!
3) What brand is your laptop? Desk?
I'm using a 2018 Macbook Pro, 13" with a touch bar. The colour is space grey!
My desk is from IKEA!
If you liked this video and want more, do hit subscribe to get notified! I upload "study with me" vids on Tuesdays at 11pm GMT+8. That's equivalent to 10am in New York; 12pm in São Paulo, Brazil; 3pm in the UK; 4pm in Poland; 6pm in Turkey and Moscow, Russia; and 8.30pm in New Delhi, India.
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Timestamps for navigation:
0:00:00 - Study block 1
0:50:55 - Break
1:01:11 - Study block 2
1:51:49 - Break
2:02:07 - Study block 3
2:52:44 - Bye byes + final break!
Bell sound under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. Recorded by Daniel Simion, "Service Bell Help".