Look at those new shoots!! 😍🌵
I’m beyond excited to see these, and they’re growing so quickly too!
I got it as a small rooted cutting as a gift from @ian after killing the one I bought off Etsy and then failing at germinating any seeds 😩
It’s been living happily in the greenhouse through summer and I’m going to bring it in the house for winter. I’m starting to think about giving it better support and a new, bigger pot 🪴
This week I’ll be taking off one of the new shoots to try root another! 🌵
I haven’t watered it much (probably still a tad too much going by the algae) and to be honest have pretty much left it alone.
Do we think I’ll ever get fruit or just a fancy houseplant? 🤭🌵
#dragonfruit #cactus #pitaya #growingfruit #vegetablegarden
I’m Francesca aka Diary of a Yorkshire Gardener and I’m container growing food in my back garden while renting! | Self sufficient in fruit and vegetables during summer | Harrogate, North Yorksh