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Too Late To Start A YouTube Cooking Channel in 2023?

Is it too late to start a cooking channel in 2023? I share some examples of people who are able to grow a cooking channel right now and 4 tips if you're just starting!

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💰 How Much To Charge For Brand Deals:
   • How Much to Charge as an Influencer f...  

👨🏽‍🍳🍳📱 How To Make Cooking Videos With Your Phone
   • How to Shoot Cooking Videos on Your P...  

📝✍🏽 How to Write A YouTube Script and Tell A Story
   • How to Write A YouTube Script and Tel...  

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Lisa Nguyen's YouTube Channel:    / @lisanguyen  
Doobydobap's YouTube Channel:    / @doobydobap  
Made With Lau's YouTube Channel:    / @madewithlau  

Channels From My Cooking Creators Facebook Group:

Black Cat Kitchen - youtube.com/c/blackcatkitchen
Kenna's Kitchen - youtube.com/@KennasKitchen
Minute Food - youtube.com/user/MINUTEFOOD
Claribel Dulces y Postres - youtube.com/@DulcesyPostres
Cocinando Con Los DeWitt - youtube.com/@cocinandoconlosdewitt
Babita Shetty's Recipes - youtube.com/@BabitaShettysRecipes
Low Carb Revelation - youtube.com/@lowcarbrevelation
Beulah's Kitchen KE - youtube.com/@BeulahsKitchenKE
Parker Hallberg - youtube.com/@ParkerHallberg
My German Recipes - youtube.com/@MyGermanRecipes
In the Kitchen with Karen - youtube.com/@IntheKitchenwithKaren
April in the kitchen -youtube.com/@Aprilinthekitchen
Keto Twins - youtube.com/@ketotwins
Asedo’s Kitchen - youtube.com/@asedoskitchen
BiteSized Bariatrics - youtube.com/@Bite-Sized
Val's Sweet Kitchen - youtube.com/@ValsSweetKitchen
Cooking with Katelyn - youtube.com/@CookingwithKatelyn
Rose Oatley - youtube.com/@RoseOatley
Skull and Mortar - youtube.com/skullandmortar

00:00 - Is It Too Late To Start A YouTube Cooking Channel in 2023
00:16 - Lisa Nguyen
00:58 - Doobydobap
01:35 - Its easy for girls
01:50 - Made With Lau
02:43 - Examples of smaller cooking channels that hit 1000 subscribers in 2022
03:37 - Making MONEY with cooking videos
04:18 - How to make professional looking cooking videos and make money
04:32 - Tip 1 Make short form vertical videos #shorts
05:41 - Tip 2 Make recipes people are looking for
06:39 - Tip 3 Make GOOD Youtube Thumbnails
07:45 - Tip 4 Audience Retention and AVD
08:21 - My BIGGEST regret when I first started
08:50 - What will happen if you START a cooking channel NOW

My Gear List:

Website: www.PhilipLemoine.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/philip_lemoine
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@philiplemoine
Twitter: twitter.com/philip_lemoine

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