1 Hour Chill Vibes Only Playlist to Boost Your Mood || Relaxing Chill Music for When You Feel Sad
#chillmusic #chillvibes #chillvibesonly #relaxingchillmusic #boostyourmoodplaylist #boostyourmood #musictoputyouinabettermood #chillvibesmusic #chillmusicplaylist
Plug in your headphones for best experience. Close your eyes and allow this relaxing chill music to boost your mood when you feel sad or stressed. Sit back and escape the world, or relax as you study or work. Each of these chill vibes are original music by me, hope you enjoy!
0:00:00 Walking Home
0:04:35 The Clouds Will Pass
0:07:45 Heaven Whispers Down
0:11L21 Autumn Rain
0:15:49 Gently Down the Stream
0:19:09 Pitter-Pat
0:23:30 Gone With Time
0:27:09 Think of Me Everyday
0:29:58 Repeat 💕
Thank you so much checking out this good mood playlist. Make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more chill vibes only.
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