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Yakuza Like A Dragons Platinum Was Almost Too Much For Me…

Hey guys Its Ilusion here and welcome back to another video :)
SOOooooooOooOO today I finally Platinum'd Yakuza: Like A Dragon, or Yakuza 7 if your a nerd. But this game is definitely the hardest I have done so far in this challenge, now thats not saying much because the second hardest would've been Borderlands 3 and uh yes. But if you have me added on PSN you would've seen that I had one trophy left for like 3 or 4 days since the last trophy in this games takes around half your playtime to get and that alone is crazy. Originally Yakuza: Like A Dragon was rated a 8/10 difficulty on the games initial release trophy guide, but since has been bumped down to just a 5 because it really is only hard at the ending and if you level enough it becomes manageable for anyone to do. But I hope you all enjoy and my tattoo apportionment is on the 12th just FYI, also I am gonna give out 2 PS5's to people who are subbed to the channel if I fail this challenge, which we all know I will.

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