We explore cheese's health benefits and risks, and answer the common question: will cheese make you fat? Discover how cheese impacts weight management, heart health, and overall nutrition. We'll break down the key nutrients in cheese, its role in a balanced diet, and whether it's a healthy choice for those trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle.
⏳ ⏳Helpful Resources: ⏳⏳
💪Raw Farm USA- rawfarmusa.com/
💪Pure Colostrum Powder- bit.ly/3ZfKgON
💪 Anti-Aging Supplement Starter Pack- bit.ly/3IPszfr
💪 NMN- bit.ly/3QBHEoc
💪 OMEGA 3- bit.ly/46exOyw
💪 VITAMIN D3, K2 & MAGNESIUM- bit.ly/3uiMYW9
💪 Grass-fed Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder- bit.ly/3PWj7en
💪 Collagen I, II, III, V, X ++- bit.ly/3TN0dsm
🌟 Skin Brightening- go.shopmy.us/p-6376171
🌟 Mild Retinol- amzn.to/3Womvlz
🌟1% Retinol - go.shopmy.us/p-6376249
🌟 Niacinamide- go.shopmy.us/p-7642560
🌟 Stable Vitamin C Serum- go.shopmy.us/p-7642652
🌟 Vitamin K eye cream- go.shopmy.us/p-7642719
🌟 Vitamin K + Retinal eye cream- go.shopmy.us/p-7642768
➟Get the Latest Longevity News, Tips on healthy living, My personal skincare recommendations, & much more- 🔗 sanoberpezaddoctor.com/join-the-tribe/
✨ Get your FREE Copy of the "Glow From Within" Smoothie Guide ✨- 🔗sanoberpezaddoctor.com/glow-from-within-guide/
Join us on this journey and transform the way you acquire skills. For more information, please visit my website: sanoberpezaddoctor.com/
0:00 Intro- Is Cheese Good or Bad for Health?
0:24 The Food Most Commonly Eaten in the Blue Zones
0:46 Meet Dr. Sanober Pezad Doctor
1:17 The Problem with Regular Milk and Cheese
2:14 Why Lactose Intolerant People Can have Ice cream in France & Italy
3:29 Best Varieties of Cheese to Eat
4:17 Benefits of Raw Cheese
5:36 How much Cheese Can you Safely Eat in a Day?
6:24 Benefits of Eating Cheese
7:17 Will Cheese Make you Fat?
👉 Instagram: www.instagram.com/drsanoberpezaddoctor/
👉 YouTube: / @drsanoberpezaddoctor
👉 Website: sanoberpezaddoctor.com/
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This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Sanober and you.
The use of “doctor” or “Dr.” concerning herself solely refers to the degree she holds. You should not change your health regimen or diet before consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding a medical condition.
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© Healthy Aging with Dr. Doctor
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#healthylifestyle #cheeseDiet #cheeseforhealth #balanceddiet #weightlosstips #lowfatcheese #cheesenutritionfacts #cheeseandhealth #healthyfats #diettips #weightmanagement #foodandhealth #drsanoberpezaddoctor #drdoctor