Original story by /u/NamesJames0933: redd.it/8jskr8
It's been a while, how is everyone? A LOT has happened since my last upload. I love the idea of coming back narrating a story sent to me by a lovely subscriber! This story totally freaked me out because (in case you didn't know) I love creature/monster stories. They 100% scare me the most of any kind of horror subject. If you don't already, follow me on Instagram for updates on life and ASMR stuff @jellybean.nose.
Currently my friend Joy and I (@Ziggaty on Instagram) are doing a True Crime/Horror Podcast called This is Not a Dream. You should check it out if you're into creepy stuff like this Sleepypasta, and swearing. Lol.
I'd like to get into making ASMR videos and audio again but it's been difficult for a couple reasons:
1. I just got a new puppy. She's amazing and I would die for her but she's also super whiney and needy and makes it hard to get any quiet time to record lol. Her name is Koko and she's a 4 month old German Shepherd in case you were wondering!
2. I find myself second guessing everything I make. And I truly hate that. Not everything I make is going to be amazing and perfect, yet I always expect it to be, otherwise I simply don't want to put it out there. I've decided to upload things even if I'm not 100% satisfied because I know I'm looking at it through the lens of extreme scrutiny. I'd like to change that.
I honestly miss you guys, and talking and interacting with you and reading all your comments and making content for you :)
If you need someone to talk to: tryonlinetherapy.com/jellybeans
♡ Follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/jellybean.nose
♡ Dance Channel: youtube.com/user/jellybeannose