This is a lecture video about chapter 6 of HLA Hart's seminal 1961 book, The Concept of Law. The chapter is titled "The Foundations of a Legal System" and it is mostly concerned with the Rule of Recognition, how such a rule halts the regress of legal validity, and how it is a social rule that comes to exist because enough officials of a legal system accept it from the internal point of view. This lecture is part of a Philosophy of Law course.
I have also made lecture videos about previous chapters of the book (skipping chapter 1 because that chapter is boring and not really important).
Chapter 2: • Hart - Concept of Law - Ch 2 (Summary...
Chapter 3: • Hart - Concept of Law - Ch 3 (Attack ...
Chapter 4: • Hart - Concept of Law - Ch 4 (Attack ...
Chapter 5: • Hart - Concept of Law - Ch 5 (Primary...