This is the first episode in my three part series covering my backyard workshop build. I'm including as much information about my experience as I can, with animations to help! The building will be fully finished for use as a home office, as well as a workshop for my Esty business. Join me as I cover everything from planning and design to construction techniques and material selection.
My process for sealing the base wall off of my concrete walkway:
• Flush Concrete to Framing? Here's a S...
I used this process for sealing the other walls (not adjacent to the concrete):
• Sealing Foundation to Framing | How t...
Etsy Shop :
00:00 Intro
00:53 Preparation
01:14 Initial Design
02:07 Foundation
04:15 Detailed Design
05:24 Lumber & Wall Framing
09:34 Ridge Beam
10:45 Roof Framing
13:32 Roof Trim
15:38 Metal Roof
17:53 Windows & Doors
19:08 Base Wall Skirt
20:10 Soffit
21:10 Siding
24:38 Painting