An unassuming homemaker reveals her dark side when an unwanted guest arrives.
With just a few words, a sly remark, or a seemingly innocent gesture, she spooks her young guest and makes him feel caught in a world of eeriness. Watch #manoranjan hindi award-winning #shortfilm and witness the dark power that a divergent mind holds. #TheSelectOnes
Get ready to be swept away by the evocative #storytelling of "Manoranjan," a poignant short film that explores the depths of human resilience and the quest for redemption. Directed by Suhail Tatari, "Manoranjan" features the talented #GulPanag in a captivating lead role, alongside a stellar ensemble #cast.
In this gripping narrative, Gul Panag delivers a powerful performance as the titular character, Manoranjan, a man haunted by his past mistakes and seeking solace in the midst of adversity. As the #story unfolds, we are drawn into Manoranjan's world, where inner demons and external challenges converge to test his resolve.
"Manoranjan" isn't just a short film; it's a testament to the human spirit's capacity for transformation and growth. Through its poignant #storytelling and nuanced characterizations, the #film explores themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the enduring power of hope. #BarrelSelectShorts
0:09 Seagram’s Royal Stag Barrel Select Shorts
22:29 Manoranjan
22:35 Directed by Suhail Tatari
22:38 Produced by Gul Panag
For fans of Gul Panag and lovers of thought-provoking cinema, "Manoranjan" offers a rare opportunity to witness the actress's #talent in a role that is both challenging and rewarding. Supported by an ensemble cast that includes some of the industry's finest talents, Gul Panag brings Manoranjan's journey to life with authenticity and depth.
Director: #SuhailTatari
Cast: #GulPanag #SatyajitSharma #MihirAhuja #AkshitaArora
Whether you're drawn to #stories of redemption or simply appreciate finely crafted #filmmaking, "Manoranjan" is sure to leave a lasting impression. Don't miss out on the chance to experience this stirring tale of resilience and hope. Watch it now at / @royalstagbarrelselectshorts
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#Manoranjan #TittarLodgeProductions #GulPanag #SukhmaniSadana #SuhailTatari #SatyajitSharma #MihirAhuja