Learn to use Kubernetes to deploy and operate your applications! 🚢 🚀
This course covers the foundations of Kubernetes, guides you through deploying a representative demo application, and then explores "day 2" operations (what happens after your application is running)
Written Course (still a work in progress!): courses.devopsdirective.com/kubernetes-beginner-to…
GitHub Repo: github.com/sidpalas/devops-directive-kubernetes-co…
Discord Community: discord.devopsdirective.com/
Options to support financially:
GitHub Sponsors (github.com/sidpalas?tab=sponsoring)
Buy Me a Coffee (buymeacoffee.com/devopsdirective)
Cloud provider sign-up links:
Google Cloud Platform (cloud.google.com/free?hl=en)
Civo Cloud (dashboard.civo.com/signup)
Other tools used throughout the course:
Kluctl (kluctl.io/)
Kubernetes in Docker (kind.sigs.k8s.io/)
Cloudnative-PG (cloudnative-pg.io/)
Trivy Operator (aquasecurity.github.io/trivy-operator/latest/)
External Secrets Operator (external-secrets.io/latest/)
Tilt (tilt.dev/)
00:00:00 - Intro
00:06:41 -- History and Motivation
00:12:08 -- Technology Overview
00:22:15 -- Installation and Set Up (KinD, Civo, GKE)
00:51:35 -- Built-in Kubernetes Resources
02:52:31 -- Helm
03:14:26 -- Demo Application
03:25:23 -- Building Container Images
03:33:55 -- Deploying the Demo Application
03:48:42 -- GKE Logging and Monitoring
03:50:59 -- Extending the Kubernetes API
03:57:09 -- Deploying Auxiliary Tooling (Cloudnative-pg + Trivy Operator)
04:14:59 -- Developer Experience (using Tilt and External Secrets Operator)
04:35:42 -- Debugging Applications in Kubernetes
04:46:24 -- Deploying to Multiple Environments (Kustomize, Helm, and Kluctl)
05:25:14 -- Cluster/Node Upgrades
05:35:18 -- Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery (GitHub Actions + Kluctl GitOps)
06:10:12 -- What's Next?
06:13:16 -- Outro
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Subscribers: 62,338
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