EPISODE 1: • Friend or Foe: Episode 1 - A NEW Mine...
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Friend or Foe Season 2 is here! In this series every player starts with 10 Lives, PVP randomly turns on and off, and the last man standing wins!
►Friend or Foe Players
Mini - youtube.com/@mini-minecraft
ClownPierce - youtube.com/@ClownPierce
Quiff - youtube.com/@QuiffYT
►FULL SERIES: • Minecraft: Friend or Foe (Season 2)
►Friend or Foe RULES - pastebin.com/X9j3ZsNb
►Friend or Foe DISCORD - discord.gg/VtNEvbknQP
►Join My Minecraft Server!
JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg
BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132