Richard Moonstone:-' My hope in this composition on what I imagined to be large canvass is that you experience the drama and energy of a band from just one instrument and that you feel at the end of the song you have experienced a complete and fulfilling event like when one comes out of watching a movie. Whether I have succeeded is up to the listener, but at least that is what I have tried to achieve for you. The work as you hear it is not put through mastering yet. Thank you so much for your continued support and encouragement and I hope you like it.' - 'Knocking At Your Door' is the first hearing of a composition from the third album in Richard Moonstone's 'Books Of Peace' Trilogy. It is an unprecedented attempt for an artist to produce three hours of music on solo piano and vocals as one artist, a challenge most artists have bulked at or find themselves not equipped to do and is the reason none have attempted it or successfully attempted it to the point they produce something they are proud to share with others. 'My hope was to go for something that can contribute to art by trying something artistic that I had not heard having been done before. It was scary I won't lie, but not half as scary as it should have been if I knew what I know now. If I knew, I probably wouldn't have tried it. I don't blame others for not doing this, once is enough for me, but I would encourage others to try. Why? Because doing this has given me such a complete feeling of satisfaction as an artist having laid myself bare to such a point for the first time I feel completely heard through art, much as I imagine a painter must feel. To know every note comes from your understanding of what you feel in a complete work of so many notes has left me more artistically satisfied than I have ever been in previous works I am proud of working with others. By allowing you to hear - Knocking At Your Door - I felt I had to give something to those who have been so kind, patient and understanding in this process that has taken much longer than I envisaged. I always say this, but being a true artist isn't easy. Scraping together the funds, practicing, writing, composing, promoting and trying keep your dedication to the artistic process that demands all this no matter what your situation is not easy. Plenty of us give this dedication and I admire my fellow artists that fight to keep true, knowing plenty of us get ignored while many who have decided they will just take the money let somebody or some organisation that is loaded with contacts fund their promotion to the extent they will be heard and others who are true will not heard. I see why they do it as it allows them to forget all the practicing to strengthen your craft and dedication to art by researching, listening and learning from a whole history of music behind us so others can benefit. My point is that this is hard and you often feel alone, but I feel and other artists I know feel, we owe it to our brothers and sisters to be honest to art as it is so important, so valuable to us as human beings. We feel having the strength to stay true to art means it is our destiny to keep true art alive even if we often feel hidden from our bothers and sisters we want to serve, because it does feel like serving and a duty. Coming from someone dedicated to art I want you to know that we as artists feel we owe it to you as a right you must have like it is owed to you that you should have oxygen, human rights and water. Art is yours a a human being and no one should take it away from us as a human race. It's not like much else in life to for real be an artist, but only those who are not real as artists and just playing a business game to sell a product that is not what it is, would not understand me. I don't mind this, but to publicly call themselves artist is a misrepresentation that hurts the ability of true artists to get heard. I believe they should just be honest and say they are not artist, they are entertainers, so this battle between them and artists can end because it's a tough battle for artists to win, although in the end artists will win because truth always win. But they make the life of a true artists so much harder and it's tough enough already. When I say this I imagine them and their managers and organisations laughing at me, but I that's cool, that's the world we live in and their enjoying their champagne. I just want my champagne to be in my glass because I did something positive and honest. Anyway I think sometimes I talk too much, I just want to thank you so much and with all my hear for your encouragement and support. Please do not underestimate how much you have helped me in this challenge. Peace and love.