Good evening, my fellow Tingleheads. Sooo many of you requested that I read a bit more out of my new Fairy Tales Classics book that I shared in the last Thrifty Tingles video. So I decided to do an entire video dedicated to just that! I even made sure to finish "Beauty and the Beast" in this one! I very much hope you enjoy it, and I invite you to lie back, close your eyes, and drift away into the magical world of "once upon a time..." ;)
Here's a link to my second Bedtime Fairy Tales video:
The video where the book originally appeared can be seen here:
For those who are interested in donating to my channel, here is a link to my Patreon campaign:
For anyone interested, here is a link to my Virtual Reality related channel:
You can also follow PixelWhipt on Twitter here:
I've had people ask about my binaural mic, so for those interested in knowing more about it, here's a link to the company's website:
Common triggers included: Ear-to-ear whispering/soft speaking, tapping, scratching, 3D sound
Enjoy, like, subscribe, and leave your requests in the comments below!