Very cool!
nostalgic song...
Can’t tell if the hands are trying to kill the icon or save the icon
A lot of these things are actually really creative, and I like it!
This is like a Monty Python movie.
Dude that was sick 10/10.
this is a really cool idea!
is so gooooooood this level reaaly i love it
Very interesting concept wow. keep it up
Nice layout owo
getting huge “it’s me, it’s you” vibes rn
Somewhere in the world there is one happy rustam
Nice level!
Nobody: MrBlackM: T U O I A L
Nostalgic song... I remember this from Roblox Speedrun 4 in 2015-2016
guys there is something wrong with my tu(t)o(r)ial
I thought of Touhou when I saw all the fists.