Someone needs to integrate this into the 3d printed dragon models
Thanks for the video. I’m definitely printing this later.
Put it on a pivot linked to a gear train motor, would love to see it curl about
hi creature I make you now, we friend :D. i made creature and its rest stand we friend now
Very cool! I'll print this very soon and I'll impress my cats with 😸 Thanks for sharing
So cool I’m going to make it now
Printed right after watching, and I haven't put it down since it finished!
Genius - we need one that is breeze affected.
I just unboxed my new P1S. This mornin!
I just bought a p1s I’ll get right to printing that 😂
Did you say, the creature?
Hi pookie
Hello Bambu lab, I'm planning to get the a1 mini but i have some questions: - If i were to get the stock (just the printer), can i get the color switching thing (i don't know it's name) later? - Is there any differences between the a1 mini and the normal a1 (beside the size and the bed heat) - does the bedheat have much impact on the print quality? - I heard that the filaments should be dry before printing, but i live in a tropical country so it's very wet, how can i keep the filament dry during long prints? That's all, hope you have a nice day, and TY if you answer the questions.
Day 4 of asking for a free 3d printer
naoki ueoka yurayura
Hola,necesito una para Colombia
link doesnt work
Wow, almost makes me want a Bambu printer. But you changed the TOS and don't believe in the right to repair and tinker so I don't.