This is the first I've even considered that every path from low entropy to high entropy has a corresponding path of high entropy to low entropy. I guess most others don't really go into much about the implications of that, so apparently, I've had a somewhat misleading understanding of the 2nd law of thermodynamics all this time.
I went through 5 years at Engineering School not knowing what entropy really was, and you explained it to me in one Youtube video!
Signing off with "I'll see you in the next episode" .... isn't it just as likely that you will see us in the previous episode? ;)
The most accessible explanation of time and entropy I have yet come across. Well done.
It is incredible that you can explain so many different and complex ideas so well!
It strikes me that the graph you used with valleys representing temporally-local entropy minima could just as easily treat the entropy minimum at the big bang as just another dip in overall entropy. Could it just be that the universe never "started" at all, and the big bang is just the most recent in an infinite chain of entropy minima?
I've lately (or, futurely ?) been obsessed with time and entropy. This is a wonderfully clear overview. Great job.
I am an arts grad and this scientific explanation of such a complicated matter was so easy to follow. This shows the brilliant work done by creator. I am subscribed ☺️.
8 AM..... 8 PM..... same outfit.... as a video editor, I was delighted to see the efficiency of looping the first bit with exposure and saturation dialed down. Nice! And I am loving these videos – kinda binge-watching tbh. Thanks for making them.
7:36 The better way to say it is, "The entropy of a closed/isolated system tends to a maximum". i.e. Given sufficient time, any system that has no energy entering or leaving it will eventually end up in the most probable macrostate, where a macrostate is just a description of the system in macroscopic terms. That's most certainly a statistical law -- it's essentially just an application of the law of large numbers, but, in my view, that actually makes it cooler.
I get the sense while watching this that Jade has the intelligence and teaching skills to work at any University as a lecturer. Makes me feel lucky she has decided to present science material on youtube.
Finally --- a description of entropy that I can actually understand. Thank you.
I just started reading “the three body problem” by Cixin Liu, and your opening section had some eerie parallels. Obviously this is because it illustrates some fundamental stuff about physics, of which I know nothing. But I do enjoy fantasizing about it artistically, which is why I also wanted to say I enjoyed your drawing of a well-landscaped graph of entropy. Thanks.
We also can tell if a video is playing forwards but we are watching it in reverse, we can only tell if the video is in the opposite direction we are travelling.
One of the most fascinating videos I've ever seen. Eye opening that entropy could go either way and it only increases because we started at low entropy and who knows why. And that time is an emergent property. And loved the explanation of entropy as equilibrium instead of disorder.
What I found missing is an explanation of why increasing entropy points the arrow of time. There's a correlation between the arrow of time and entropy increasing, but physicists often note that linking them together is a huge misconception and that correlation should not be confused with causation.
She makes a good teacher of physics, doesn't she. I lacked this illustrative approach back in the days when at school. Kudos!
So glad I found your channel today. It's absolutely amazing how you manage to explain those complicated topics in such an easily understandable way! Subscribed!
Your illustration of the ideas are great - I would also like to point out that when you are in a lower entropy state, essentially both ways increase it - and both ways are in fact "the future" for that person. I like Sean Carroll's explanation that it is not that entropy increases when time goes forward, but that "time going forward" and "entropy increasing" are the same statement - "entropy increase" is what our brain perceives as "time going forward". In a maximum entropy universe there will be no "time going forward".