
➡️ Cheaper uBall alternative: https://amzn.to/45d7xAG
➡️ Smart Basketball: https://amzn.to/47h99ep
➡️ Ball Pump: https://amzn.to/3Ooyydl
➡️ Portable Shooting Machine: https://amzn.to/3qhMSfY
➡️ Magnetic Net: https://hilosports.com.au/
➡️ Infinet: https://infinetbasketball.com/


come on, the sound the net makes when you make a basket makes up 90% of the satisfaction


I would think that court would be very useful in practice. Drawing up plays and uploading them to the court... Would be a coaches dream.


The infinet doesn't solve the problem of broken nets at park courts. The number 1 problem is vandalism, these will get vandalized also. The second problem is climate, these look like some type of plastic which will dry out and get brittle overtime also. I have a basketball goal in my backyard that is over 8 years old and it still has the original net. Which means vandalism is the number 1 issue.


Chain nets should already cover the "wear and tear" issue, however, I believe the major issue is vandalism and people would break these plastic nets just like the do with all other nets. The magnetic nets could be a fine solution, but it could be an issue for some to remove them after a playing sessions.


I refuse to give up the sweet sound of nothing but net!


With that led floor, the nba won’t even have to cut to commercial


A lot of this falls into "if it aint broke don't fix it" territory.


The LED court is a really good idea as long as you don't go full light-explosion during a game. Maybe counting down seconds for a shot or to mark where a shooter sets before taking a shot. Small little things like that. And if wanted, advertisers can pitch their products and services during timeouts and breaks.


Players' hands would break those rim fins constantly when rebounding or playing close to the rim. Not to mention, it could put a high flyer's eye out. I'll stick with a nice nylon net, thank you.


I prefer the net anyday over them clips.


"I don't know about you, but I hate pumps with needles. So, let me introduce you to this pump with a needle.”


The biggest advantage i see with the LED court is its ability to transform from a basketball court to a volleyball court, to a badminton court, and eventually to a sepak takraw court, 4 courts in one


Infinet would be really cool for outdoor courts. However, one criticism I thought of is that the net could possibly slow down play because watching the video, the ball sort of moves around the fins before actually falling completely through which could bother some players.


that LED floor would be hilarious if someone was able to hack into it.... imagine someone removing the 3pt line during the game, showing pron, or showing a jumpscare while someone is shooting a free throw lmao


all fun in games until the court and your jersey is lagging


Cleveland has had an led court for a few years. I thought everyone had them.


The infinet is basically useless.
It can still get vandalised and the weather will destroy it too over time.
You'd have to replace single spikes at some point cause they'll break off.

It's much more annoying to go up every now and then to replace 1 or 2 broken spikes than going up once a year to change a net.


Looks cool and all but it can't replace that satisfying swish sound


A basketball court that can play commercials is not the future we want.