
The difference is huge and it looks totally natural and as if nothing was done. Anybody who doesn’t notice it, or thinks it wasn’t drastic enough, probably will end up looking like Versace one day. This is how beauty touch ups are supposed to be done.


At first I thought it said EYE lift and I was like… I see no difference. But then I realized it was a LIP lift and it looks great


Very subtle, I see the difference. You turned the clock for her, incredible.


I usually i love Dr. Linkov's work. This it is really hard to see any of the lip lift 'after' photos with the 'shop' icon overlaping the picture. Kind if a shame.


Agree with everyone else about the thoughtless copy placement, but I’d love to see more of this VERY subtle, pretty result. It’s crazy how the eye perceives the “after” as a bit more youthful and “happier”—the mouth is such an expressive feature, even at rest. 

I do feel you could have easily removed another millimeter or two, even if just to account for the inevitable drop over time. 

A bit of unsolicited advice for your patient, who is lovely, but she could benefit from some more practice with the eyeliner (and less smoking/vaping/skipping the sunscreen).


Can’t see with all the copy over the after. Smart move!


Literally can’t see the damn AFTER with the Doctor’s name and the “shop here” button where it is at🤦🏼‍♀️


The hair looks great


It looks the same, there’s hardly any difference at all except in one of the pics, there is a slight difference. But that’s fine. She’s very pretty and I don’t think she needed anything done in the first place. She looks great.


Must we have music with everything - really detracts from study the reel. Yeeesss, I know there's I mute, but how about an option in to the "music"?


Where’s the after?


I dont see a difference 🤔


Man I can’t see the after cuz of the writing at the bottom.


I could see the difference only in strange, not finished white makeup at the bottom pic😅 But as long as she's happy with the results.


Before and before


Honestly I don’t see much noticeable difference. I would’ve been disappointed with these results. Was it just impossible to get any fullness ? Small difference. New scar 😢


Cannot see much with all the extra promos and captions on the screen😮


miniscule difference imo


Can’t really see the comparison because all the words are in the way


No difference..lol