
Perfect message 👌 thank you!!


I'll always continue to be kind..... I only do so when I feel happy to do so...never out of obligation. It can't drain my heart ..only expand it. But if I was following my mind without heart it would have been sooo draining!


Thank you so much for making this video 😊


This is me and I'm tired being kind to the wrong people who just take advantage of my services. The thing is I have to get rid of thinking that if I provide them favors they would give me more business. But that never happens. The result, my business didn't move forward. I have to stop expecting something in return from the favors I give. THEY WONT GIVE YOU ANYTHING BACK. I have to stop being afraid of losing these kind of people. They are just going to bring you down.


Thanks its amazing


This was absolutely fantastic and just what God ordered for me and my life!

A good old fashioned KICK IN THE ARSE - to #ManUP and stop being a people pleasing pushover! 
I struggle with fearing man (and what he/she think of me) instead of fearing (out of love and respect), what God thinks about me and trying to please God FIRST and then myself! And then... Others.

Keep up the great work Coach Mel - you ROCK young lady!!!



The mwssage today that I NEED to hear !!!!


Thank you Mel!!!!


Thank you for this... it's so true.... 15 years of being kind and hard working  a woman in the office got me fired because #1 she wanted my clients and my income... #2 the boss is a weak man.... it no longer matters but I do miss my job of 15 years


I lived my past life as a people pleaser only puting myself last and I gained only regret  . No one came to save me when I need  shockingly those I thought they are close to me. Now I prioritize my self love


Thank you Mel!! great advice, I'm also using your 5 sec rule for over apologising and asking If I upset a person.


Amazing 👏


Love it ❤


People trample over you

If you let them 😮




Where do you get your images from for your videos ? I love them


This is me


Talk about karma for nasty, greedy office workers


Accept to be the bad guy who teaches the lesson to vampyrs. No matter if it is family, friends or bullies workmates, narcisitstic  bosses, and all sorts of ugly people masked in sheep clothes. They are just toxic.:face-fuchsia-flower-shape::face-fuchsia-flower-shape::face-fuchsia-flower-shape::face-fuchsia-flower-shape::face-fuchsia-flower-shape: