You’re only calling these the worst guesses bc you haven’t seen me play
It's crazy that when you showed the clip I really first went like 'no way GeoWizard missed an obvious Mongolia'
follow these instructions to get the best guess of all time: 1. look at the round for about 0,3 seconds 2. click in the middle of the sahara desert (preferably chad) 3. done
I just love how chill Tom (Geowizard) is about his abismal guess
Me: Going Antarctica on Greenland
Tom could guess the moon and still have the best content. The absolute goat of geoguessr content!
GeoWizard makes the best & worst guesses😂
60% of my guesses are contenders for the title of worst
I once mistook Washington D.C for Athen
This is the first time Ive seen Rainbolt do poorly
i was literally playing along trying to guess where it actually was and was guessing Mongolia as well😭😭😭😭🙏
The British humor: saying something is hilarious while poker faced and actually dying inside 😂
Hello Oscar, I think the worst guess should be his new video, which he went Uganda on Oklahoma.
That is probably the nicest place in Atlanta
Tom having potentially the best guesses and worst guesses ever is impressive
geowizard's worst guess is my average guess
once i was confident something was in south america and it was in eastern europe 😣
It's Kauai! Proceeds to zoom in on Oahu
Gray and depressing, yep that’s New Jersey alright