
It's amazing how Collin Farrel simply disappears in this role. Pure talent.


So it’s basically the sopranos with Batman characters in it. I’m sold! 👍🏾


You can tell Colin Farrell’s having the time of his life with this character. I believe he’s said it’s some of the most fun he’s had with a role.


Despite having just a few scenes, Colin Farrell was the MVP of The Batman, so I love that he'll get an entire show to himself before the sequel.


So hyped for this, looks absolutely brilliant


I love how they actually have him walk like a penguin 😆😆


Colin is killing it as Penguin!
The laugh is so good!


I honestly love the idea of having villain shows for the batman universe


Im happy to see that this looks and feels like The Batman movie. I’m excited to see this, and hope more content gets set in this version of Batman.


Turning the Penguin into Gotham's version of the Sopranos was one of the most creative directions they could've taken with this show. I'm hyped and have full confidence that Matt Reeves knows what he's doing with this universe.


My biggest hope for this show is for them to introduce other mob bosses like Black Mask, Rupert Thorn, The Ventriloquist, etc


The laugh at the end after he caps him is just perfect, walks the line perfectly of being a fun villain without being too over the top 

Need to see a proper trailer soon this looks great


His casting as Penguin is low key one of the best villain castings ever


I really hope this works out well. Colin certainly kills it in the role, I hope they get a decent showrunner and a decent production around him.


i love how the environment looks and feels like batman begins


I love that they're just making Gotham its own character. So excited for this


This looks fantastic. Has a look that resembles The Batman but also its own thing. Can't wait.


Colin Farrell took the definition of acting just on another leve. At the level of Brando or Oldman. Pure Art


I’m not going to lie I had low expectations when this was announced because I didn’t know how they would execute such a show but this blew my mind with how gritty and good this looks


Dude hands down had my favourite moment in the Batman movie, he's a gangster, a mobster who's probably killed plenty of times before we see him. Gotta be a sociopath on some level but he still squirmed when seeing the photos of the riddlers victims.  "What are you showing me!? Come onnnnn."  Just that moment was pure gold. So im ready for more Penguin.