
Thanks for all the great videos! I suffer from floaters and dry eyes, and find your channel very helpful. All the best from the Netherlands ❤


Hi. Thanks for sharing and giving back. Love what you are doing.


Hi,I am 53 and becoming blind faster every day. When my mom passed on she was 100% blind and that scares me. Is there something I can do for my vision. I have glasses its 2years now


Like your Live video!!


Hi, different time zone in the EU, so I just spotted this now. I still use your electrical toothbrush technique for dry eyes and it works perfectly. I can't use the drops sold in the EU, as they all seem to have preservatives and those make the surrounding skin look like I'm a red panda due to allergies. Thanks so much for that!


Nice, very useful video !!!  DoI have dry eyes if I have too many tears, especially when walking out on the street in the sunshine?


I’ve had red watery eyes for 2 months has complete eye test. All fine. Had mild ani biotic drops


Hi sir I see light moving up and down in cornor of my right eye it's been a week now please help me