shotzzy proving to these Bronze Ranked NPC-Level Devs why they need such a strong SBMM 💀
Game looks sick, but like every COD title the Divas "pros" will start complaining about something and saying how good MW3 was.
Ninja not fully quiet LMAO
7 people talking over each other
“Narrative MC”😂😂😭
“Zin pov we need to see some irons” 😭
Honestly this game look amazing imo. If we have a good time to kill, good spawns and maps, we might have the best cod of the CDL era coming up
Another year of zomma saving us from the snakes bubthis is definitely cold war
shoulders gonna go crazy on this game
This looks great
Can sum1 PLEASE!! explain why twitch is so great?? Cause in my opinion YouTube live WAYY better! I try to use twitch but it skips so much, Convos get cut, lags constantly, doesn’t stop just continues and ads 6+ at a time, u can’t even enjoy it unless u got good internet. I need answers cause I just get anxiety when on twitch, what am I doing wrong???????
Just remember we've seen/heard paid for hype before.....
Looks so sick 😮💨
Otw home now to buy Cold War on my pc, definitely got to get reacquainted
Man game looks fire frfr might buy it if they can leave the kids alone haven't bought a cod since then sorry tomassi. The pro's need to pray faze split up team wise because tiny terrors be frying with this movement. But fr cant wait for league play so ready to see the rosters , teams, maps, an modes.its gonna be a great year atleast to watch the pro's. Bout to watch the zombies vid see how it is. love the respect between casters an ex pro players ( scump an zooma) might root for different teams but still respect for one another an love for the game. GOOD LUCK TO ALL CDL TEAMS MAY THE ODDS BE FOREVER IN YOUR FAVOR 🤣😛
Omnimovement looks cheesy af but the maps and gameplay look good
Prohaska Plaza
all the people hating, like yall go make the game and see how good it is😂😂😂