
Can’t wait for this series ❤


Omfgosh the perfect series for her


I have your cookbook. It has the best recipes in any cookbook I’ve ever had! 😊


omg i love the pot where did yu get it i need one in my life❤❤❤❤


I think the garlic is happy in the oil pool

Edit: thanks for 100 like😀
Edit 2: thanks for 200 like😀
Edit 3: thanks for 300 likes😀


This is an awesome dare 😍 👌


GREAT IDEA! 😊 Looking forward to following! ❤


So where do you get the container you confit in,?


Pop off! Im excited to see how many we will get to!


This is gonna be fun.


Здравствуйте а подскажите пожалуйста на какое время вы ставите чеснок с маслом в духовку и при каких градусах готовите??? Заранее благодарю!!!!


اين تضع الثوم؟ في الفرن؟


1% Garlic 
100% Oil


What do you do with the left over oil?


Daen, whats your method for peeling all this garlic ? Do you buy it pre-peeled (absolutely no judgement there its great)


Absolutely Awesome 🎉🎉🎉


i thing he had a oil factory


such a cute garlic


New obsession unlocked : mini Dutch ovens 💜🩵🩷🤍


PetersPasta: well you trained, i have.